About Us

About Us (The Division of Peripheral Vascular & Endovascular Sciences)

The Division of Peripheral Vascular & Endovascular Surgery at Medanta - The Medicity Hospital at Gurgaon (National Capital Region) is headed by Dr. Rajiv Parakh. Dr. Parakh acquired the Fellowship of The Royal College of Surgeons in the United Kingdom in 1986. Having trained in Vascular Surgery in the United Kingdom, he then returned to India to set up one of the first independent Department of Vascular Surgery in a Delhi hospital in 1990. Dr. Parakh was instrumental in starting the first Teaching programme in Peripheral Vascular and Endovascular Surgery in North India ,recognized by the National Board of Examiners, at that time. He specializes in open Carotid Surgery, Endovascular Surgery, Below the Knee Angioplasty, and procedures for Vascular Trauma. Dr. Parakh is the founder member of Vascular Society of India and Endo-vascular Intervention Society of India. He was the National Convener for the Fellowship programme in Vascular Surgery for the National Board of Examiners (New Delhi). Dr. Parakh is a Life Member of the European Society of Vascular Surgery. He has also served as the Elected Vice President as well as the Secretary of the International Society for Vascular Surgery, New York.

The Division of Peripheral Vascular & Endovascular Surgery at Medanta - The Medicity Hospital consists of experienced Consultants, dedicated Residents, Nursing and Medical Staff. The facility also boasts of the most advanced, fully integrated, Diabetic Foot Care Centre with a revolutionary customized insole making fabricator module for the "Foot at Risk" ulcers.

The Division also helps patients with non-reconstructable vascular disease with MONONUCLEAR CELL IMPLANTATION ( Stem Cell therapy ) The Division caters to patients from all over India who come with complaints of gangrene, of their feet or hands , pain in the hip ,thigh or calf muscles on walking, non healing wounds & ulcer, leg swellings ,surgery for stroke or paralysis and limb threatening trauma. Patients presenting with complaints of pain in legs or LEG ATTACK which is often due to lack of blood supply to the legs or with a history of stroke due to reduced blood supply to the brain, The Brain Attack patients undergo a detailed evaluation and management planning, prior to the appropriate intervention.

The Division takes pride in being one of the very few dedicated Division of Peripheral Vascular and Endovascular Surgery in the country which performs its own diagnostic work-up of the patients. Detailed evaluation of the peripheral arterial and venous system is done by a Non - invasive Vasolab which , not only, detects the blockage in the arteries but also predicts future blockages. Non-invasive Duplex (Color Doppler) Scan is done by the Division for accurate imaging of arterial and venous blockages. The Hospital also has facilities for advanced investigations like CT Angiography, Magnetic Resonance Angiography, Radionuclide Venography and Radionuclide Lymphangiography for the diagnostic evaluation of the patients.

It is one of the few Departments in India to have an Independent Hybrid Vascular Cath. Laboratory cum Operation Theatre where all peripheral angiography procedures, both diagnostic and therapeutic,open or endovascular procedures can be done. State of the art and latest equipment are used for Ballooning and Stenting Angioplasty Procedures for varying disorders involving the aorta, carotid artery, visceral arteries, peripheral limb vessels and vena cava. Embolization of vascular malformations ( birth marks ) any bleeding vessels and vascular control of tumors is also performed in this hybrid cathlab - 07.

All patients of Aortic diseases, both aneurysmal and occlusive, undergo a detailed evaluation and are treated either by conventional operation, or by endovascular techniques. Regular operations and endovascular procedures are performed for brain stroke prevention in patients with Brain Attack. The bypass operation and balloon angioplasty with or without stenting for patients with blocked leg arteries are done, which if not performed, may otherwise lead to non-healing ulcers, gangrene and amputation.

Patients presenting with Swollen Leg Syndrome may be suffering from Deep Vein Thrombosis, Chronic Venous Insufficiency, Varicose Vein or Lymphedema. These patients are systematically evaluated and different treatment modalities are used like Injection therapy (Sclerotherapy), LASER, RFA, MOCA ,GLUE treatment, Varicose Vein Surgery and Compression Therapy especially for the massive leg swellings including filariasis for the holistic management of the patients.

We actively participate in community health programs...The patients of Deep Vein Thrombosis undergo exhaustive investigations to ascertain the cause of thrombosis. The treatment planning includes anticoagulation or in severe cases systemic or Catheter Directed Thrombolysis and percutaneous implantation of IVC filters to prevent further lung clots (Pulmonary embolism). Care is taken for preventing further episodes of thrombosis by regular prophylaxis.

Patients with lymphedema whether congenital, acquired, post-surgery or post- mastectomy (after breast cancer surgery) undergo a Patient Directed treatment for reduction of limb swelling.

We are involved in groundbreaking research in vascular health...The Division takes care of all vascular injuries, both arterial and venous, sustained during Road Traffic Accidents or Industrial Accidents on a 24 hours emergency basis. Associated injuries or plastic surgery reconstructions are handled by a Round the clock Vascular Emergency Team of the Division of Vascular Surgery. As part of the State of the Art cancer management chemo-port insertions are done by the Division for easy and effective delivery of chemotherapy. The Division provides overall management of all peripheral vascular diseases and also arranges medical and public awareness lectures, camps and seminars for various medical associations, NGOs and corporate houses to increase the awareness of this new super-specialty.